Narcissism, characterized by self-centeredness and a lack of empathy, significantly impacts relationships through emotional neglect, manipulation, and unstable dynamics.  Here are various aspects highlighting its effects on relationships:

For instance, they might constantly talk about their own achievements and ignore their partner's interests

Narcissists often focus mainly on themselves

For example, if their partner is upset, they might dismiss their emotions or not show concern.

They struggle to understand their partner's feelings.

For instance, they might guilt-trip their partner into doing things for them.

Narcissists can be manipulative to get what they want.

For instance, when their partner pointed out a mistake in their plans, they refused to acknowledge it.

They find it hard to admit when they're wrong or to work through disagreements calmly. This can lead to arguments that never seem to get resolved.

For example, always being told they're not good enough can really hurt their confidence.

Constant criticism from a narcissistic partner can make their partner feel bad about themselves. 

For example, a narcissist might compliment their partner in public but criticize  them harshly in private.

In relationships with narcissists, partners are often praised one moment and then put down the next, causing confusion and emotional distress.

For instance, they might create tension between their partner and their friends, so  their partner relies only on them.

Narcissists might try to cut their partner off from friends and family. 

Are you often preoccupied with thoughts of your own success, attractiveness, or intelligence? Take our Narcissistic Personality Disorder self-assessment to explore these behaviors and more. Click here to begin: