Sudden Intense Fear

Intense fear strikes without warning, as if you're at a party, enjoying yourself, when suddenly you're overtaken by overwhelming fear and anxiety.

Racing Heart and Sweating

Your heart starts pounding like you’ve just run a marathon, and you’re sweating even though you’re just sitting down.

Breathing Difficulties

You feel like you can’t catch your breath, like there’s a weight on your chest. You might start breathing very quickly or feel like you’re choking.

Feeling Dizzy or Detached

Suddenly, you feel dizzy or lightheaded, and everything around you seems unreal, like you're watching yourself from outside your body.

Short and Intense

This intense experience usually peaks within 10 minutes and fades within 30 minutes, but it can feel like much longer.

What to Do During an Attack

If this happens, try focusing on your breathing: inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Look around and name five things you can see, hear, or touch to ground yourself.

Seek Help

 If you find yourself avoiding places or activities out of fear of having another attack, or if panic attacks are disrupting your daily life, it's important to talk to a mental health professional. You don’t have to face this alone.

Feeling Sudden Fear or Discomfort?

Struggling with focus, sweating, shaking, or feeling unsteady? These might be signs of Panic Disorder. Take our free Panic Disorder Test to find out.