A Look into  the Heartwarming  Traditions of

Valentine’s Day

Certain Valentine’s Day traditions around the world are formulated to be inclusive during the season of love.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the globe to honor romance and love—culturally, religiously, and commercially. Around the time of February 7th, the world struts into a week of love filled with personal and timeless traditions.

Thanks to global cultural  diversity, however, a plethora  of Valentine’s Day traditions  around the world get an  innovative and enriching  spin—depending  on which country the  celebrations are  occurring.

In France, Valentine's Day traditions usually involve exchanging greetings, jewelry, and gifts. However, years ago, the French celebrated with “une loterie d’amour”. 

According to the custom, singletons stood in public places, calling out for other singletons until they eventually paired off together. 

But this ceremony of love went so out of hand that the French Government imposed a permanent ban on it!  

In Denmark, for instance, people exchange pressed white flowers called snowdrops and ‘joke letters’ called “Gækkebreve”

In South Korea and Japan, women pamper their male partners, family members, and coworkers with chocolates as a token of affection on Valentine’s week. 

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Germany, the typical Valentine’s gifts include chocolate pigs and gingerbread cookies. In England, “Jack Valentine” (a Santa Claus-like figure) is said to leave gifts on the front porch of couples. 

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