Offer Your Presence 

Be there for the grieving person, lending your emotional support and a listening ear.

Listen Actively 

Allow them to express their feelings and thoughts without judgment or interruption.

Respect Their Process

Understand that everyone grieves differently, and there's no right or wrong way to grieve.

Empathize, Don't Sympathize

Avoid saying "I know how you feel" and instead express empathy by saying, "I can't imagine how difficult this is for you."

Ask How You Can Help

Inquire about specific ways you can assist them, whether it's running errands, cooking meals, or providing company.

Give Space When Needed

Recognize when they need alone time or space to process their emotions and thoughts.

Share Happy Memories

Encourage reminiscing about positive moments with the person they've lost, celebrating their life.

Provide Resources

Offer information about grief support groups, therapists, or counseling services if they express interest.

Be Patient And Persistent

Grief doesn't have a set timeline. Continue offering support and checking in on them over time.

Respect Their Boundaries

Understand that there may be times when they prefer solitude or limited interaction, so respect their boundaries and preferences.

How can unresolved grief and loss impact our mental health?


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