Listen Actively

Be an empathetic and non-judgmental listener when he/she wants to talk about feelings and experiences.

Educate Yourself

Learn about his/her specific mental health disorder to understand the symptoms better and what he/she is going through.

Encourage Professional Help

Support and assist in seeking therapy or counseling when necessary.

Stay Informed About Medication

If applicable, understand the medication he/she is taking—including its physical and mental health side-effects. 

Respect Your Partner's Boundaries

Understand that he/she might need space at times, and respect the need for solitude.

Be Patient

Recognize that recovery takes time, and there may be setbacks along the way.

Avoid Stigmatizing Language

Be mindful of the words you use and promote a stigma-free environment.

Offer Practical Help

Assist with daily tasks or chores when he/she is struggling to cope.

Participate In Self-Care

Encourage healthy habits like exercise, proper nutrition, and regular sleep.

Express Love And Support 

Reassure them (in small gestures) that you're there for them, love them, and are committed to their well-being.


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