Ambition Test

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Ambition Test

Are you an open-minded and goal-oriented person? Do you invest adequate time and effort to reach your goal? Do you take calculated risks and love to learn from your mistake? Or, do you lose confidence after failure? Take this ambition test to know whether you are an ambitious person or not.

What is Ambition?

Ambition is the persistent and generalized striving for success, attainment, and accomplishment. It involves two things, first, the desire for achievement, and, second, the willingness to work towards it even in the face of adversity or failure. The development of ambition is strongly influenced by social, cultural, and demographic factors.

Ambition has been linked to narcissism, power, and dominance, but it is distinct from each of these concepts. The amount of ambition within an individual varies and can be manifested in certain personality traits and characteristics of behavior. To be ambitious is to achieve first and foremost not for the sake of achievement itself, but for the sake of distinguishing oneself from others.

Some of the characteristics of people with high ambition include:

  • Having a strong work ethic and investing the necessary time and effort in it
  • Setting goals and making plans following the way they can achieve it
  • Having an open-mindedness and showing a willingness to learn from others
  • Solving problems through creative ways
  • Being confident and showing calculated risks

Read More About Ambition Here

Instructions For Taking Ambition Test

Below is a list of statements relating to an individual’s ambition level. Please read each statement carefully, and select options that you find relevant for you.

Please note: This test is a self-assessment and not a diagnostic test.

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