Family Pathology Assessment

Have your familial needs been unfulfilled since childhood? Do you experience a sense of insecurity at home? Have you consistently witnessed hostility, misunderstandings, and conflicts over roles within your family? Or, do you find it hard to trust others in your family? Take this Family Pathology Assessment to determine if you have experienced signs of family pathology.

What is Family pathology?

Family pathology refers to dysfunctional patterns, behaviors, and dynamics within a family system that can negatively impact the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of its members.

It can contribute to various issues such as emotional distress, relationship problems, and individual struggles within family members, potentially hindering their overall development and happiness. Some of the signs of family pathology includes:

  • Frequent and intense conflict within the family
  • Lack of effective communication and understanding
  • Emotional neglect or abuse
  • Unhealthy power dynamics and control issues
  • Difficulty in establishing and maintaining trust within the family

Instructions For Taking Family Pathology Assessment

Below is a list of statements relating to an individual’s experience of family pathology. Please read each statement carefully, and select options that you find relevant for you.

Please note: This Family Pathology Test is a self-assessment and not a diagnostic test.