Talkaholic (Compulsive Talking) Test

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Talkaholic Test

Do you have a habit to talk flawlessly in any situation? Do you find yourself constantly wanting to speak out, even when it might not be appropriate? Do other people feel irritated or annoyed because of your continuous talking habit? Take this Talkaholic test to know whether you are a talkaholic person or not.

What Is Talkaholism (compulsive talking)?

Talkaholism, also known as compulsive talking, is a behavior characterized by an excessive and uncontrollable need to talk. Individuals with talkaholism feel compelled to engage in conversations and often struggle to limit their speech, even when it may be inappropriate or unnecessary. Here are the key characteristics of talkaholism:

  • Engaging in prolonged and frequent conversations, often monopolizing discussions and disregarding social cues.
  • Having an impulsive urge to speak, regardless of the relevance or importance of their words.
  • Struggling to listen attentively to others, focusing primarily on expressing thoughts and opinions.
  • Dominating in conversations, frequently interrupting others.
  • Seeking attention or validation, leading individuals to constantly seek opportunities to talk and be heard.

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