Why Is Positive Pushing Good For Your Kids? Expert Mind Talk With Jim Taylor

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As a parent, all you want to do is raise a capable, and smart kid who will grow up to be someone successful. And in order to ensure that, sometimes motivating and pushing them is important. But how much is too much? And where should you draw the line when it comes to pushing your kids towards greatness?

For this Expert Mind Talk, we have Dr. Jim Taylor with us, who is a world-renowned psychologist, consultant, and author. Dr. Jim has worked with young people, parents, and educators for more than 30 years.

He has been a speaker at hundreds of elementary and secondary schools, education associations, youth sports programs, and performing arts organizations around the world. He is the author of 19 books, five of which are parenting books.

In this Mind Talk Session, he speaks about whether or not it’s a good idea to push your child, the important attributes of successful achievers, and the best ways to raise a successful kid.

Check out the video now to know more about how you can motivate and encourage your children to be successful and healthy ways to achieve that goal.

Highlights From This Episode:

  • Should I push my child? (4:08)
  • Why did pushing has got a bad rep? (5:57)
  • Three Pillars of Successful achievers (12:44)
  • Raising successful achievers (17:16)
  • Q&A Session (21:19)

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