Does Photo-Taking Help Students Better Remember Online Lessons?

Photo-Taking Helps Students Better Remember

Psychology News

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, explored whether photo-taking helps students remember information better in online teaching sessions. The study is published in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

The Study

In order to better understand the interaction of note-taking and photo-taking in students’ learning, the research team conducted a series of experiments.

Whether in museum galleries or during an online PowerPoint presentation, participants were asked to follow certain requirements and take camera-phone pictures of slides. They were then quizzed to recall information from the slides they photographed or the spoken-word-only portion of the lessons.

The Findings

The results revealed the benefits of taking photos of slides during online presentations. It was found that students remember the slide content better when they have photographed them.

The authors elaborated: “Overall, we found evidence for a photo-taking benefit in an online lecture. The results were surprising, given that most prior research has found a photo-taking impairment effect.

To Know More You May Refer To

Ditta, A. S., Soares, J. S., & Storm, B. C. (2022). What happens to memory for lecture content when students take photos of the lecture slides? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

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  • Does Photo-Taking Help Students Better Remember Online Lessons?