Believing In No Sense Of Control On Future Boosts Self-Esteem For Introverts: Study

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Psychology News

A team of researchers at the National Science Center (Poland) explored how a lesser sense of control over the future enhanced self-esteem in introverts. The study is published in The Journal of General Psychology.

The Study

The researchers randomly assigned 104 participants, high and low in extraversion, to the fatalistic time perspective induction condition or to the neutral condition. A manipulation check was conducted. At the end of the experiment, the participants completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES).

The Findings

The results revealed that introverts had higher self-esteem after the induction of fatalistic time perspective, compared to neutral induction.

Particularly, the belief that the future is beyond human control enhances the scores of self-worth and self-confidence that are, in introverted personalities, associated with positive outcomes such as better adjustment, positive emotions, happiness, etc.

The researchers elaborated: “[The study] found that the induction of fatalistic perspective increased the level of self-esteem in introverts, whereas in extroverts it had no influence on self-esteem.

To Know More You May Refer To

Sobol, M., Przepiórka, A., Meisner, M., & Kuppens, P. (2022). Destiny or control of one’s future? Fatalistic time perspective and self-esteem in extraverts and introverts. The Journal of general psychology, 149(4), 443–455.

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