Postpartum Depression Test

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Postpartum Depression Test

Are you having a difficulty to recognize or to admit being depressed or anxious during pregnancy or postpartum? Use this online Postpartum Depression Test to better decide whether you ought to see a mental health specialist for the diagnosis and care of your postpartum depressive symptoms.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of major depression that affects many women after giving birth. It usually begins within four weeks of giving birth. Also known as postnatal depression, PPD is a type of mood disorder that manifests as a complex mix of emotional, behavioral and physical changes in new mothers.

Postpartum depression is believed to be caused by the chemical and psychological changes that occur inside a woman’s body while having a baby. Chemical changes involve the sudden change in the hormone levels inside a woman’s body.

During pregnancy, the hormones estrogen and progesterone are at an all-time high, but within a few days of delivery, these hormones drop to what it was before pregnancy. Many women develop “baby blues”, but in some cases, depression is more severe. Although it is mostly observed in women, this type of depression can affect new dads too.

Studies show that new dads are prone to depression during the first year of becoming a father. People affected by this condition experience intense sadness, anxiety, low energy, sleeping problems, despair and irritability, which may affect their ability to take care of the infant and perform daily tasks.

The treatment and recovery of PPD largely depend on the type of symptoms, the severity of the condition, and the personal needs of the patient. Therapy, medication and participation in support groups are the primary modes of treatment available for postpartum depression.

Read More About Postpartum Depression Here

Instructions For Taking Postpartum Depression Test Online

A list of questions is given below that relate to life experiences common among people who have symptoms of postpartum depression. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.

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